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Colombia Tolima Planadas ORGANIC, Womens COOP

Organic, Womens Co-op Colombia Tolima
Dedicated high-elevation lot 1500-1800M
Washed, sun dried on raised beds & patios
Varietals: Primarily Colombia Typica & Caturra

This is an exciting Organic coffee from a Cooperative of small women producers in the mountains of a small municipality in the Tolima region of Colombia.

This lot is a dedicated high elevation lot that only includes farms from 1500M or higher. Tolima is located in the SouthWest of Colombia bordering the famous Huila region.

This lot cups at 86 points and showcases: Nice floral aroma, toffee, buttery, stone fruit, winey acidity, juicy body, excellent sweetness.

Available In, In Transit Vancouver, In Transit Quebec

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